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bananas cookies and pudding


Julian's OLd Fashion BananaPudding is like no other & it is made with Julian's secret ingredients. If you ever wanted to impress your friends and family  this is the recipe for you ! This Banana Pudding needs no whip cream . It's so delicious and savory , But if you would like to garnish it with whip cream go on ahead  It's your BananaPudding Here at the Restaurant, we can't keep enough in stock . It's just that good and fantastic  This BananaPudding is really like no other . Trust us; you'll be more than satisfied as you sit and watch the bowl (or even the pan) of BananaPudding disappear and people wanting more. You will have them asking , "Who made this bananaPudding ? It is a great receipe.

strawberrys and bananas and cookes
oreole cookies and bananas strawberry
This is no store Bought pudding in the box this pudding is made from Scratch this is why it is so Unique I will teach you how to make the Pudding from Scratch mmmmmGOOD.

BananaPudding like No other

         A Diamond Recipe 

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